January 24, 2025


Kim DeMotte has been managing successful Rally Racing efforts for 42 years. He’s been a top-seeded driver, a team manager, creator and chairman of the nationally acclaimed Rally in the 100 Acre Wood and now a Champion U.S. Co-Driver. Whether he’s using his rich background of getting a small rally team (a driver, a co-driver and a mechanic) to the podium of a National Rally or managing a multi-layered volunteer staff of over 300 at a National motorsport event, Kim brings a reputation of bringing diverse teams together, getting them on the same page fast, and winning.

At 105 mph flat out in 6th gear, flying two feet off an icy winter road, there’s no margin for confusion, mis-trust, or finger-pointing. Simply understanding and being understood are critical to safe landings and great finishes.

So here’s the question. If your organization is not going this fast, or attempting to compete, head-on, in this economy, then perhaps you’re not aware of the business value of improved trust, understanding and camaraderie. Are you?

You’ve already built the team.

Corporate CoDriverâ„¢ programs are much more than “team building”. Now get that team firing on all cylinders working like a well coordinated Rally Team. Reducing struggle, resolving conflict, improving relationships, and relieving stress especially among passionate team members, will yield the best opportunities to win.

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