October 22, 2024

The significance of insignificance

From Volume 16, Issue 1: “We are completely insignificant in the universe—except to each other, now.” (Borrowed from a movie and revised slightly by me.)

We may look at the smallest creatures—insects, perhaps—as insignificant. I can either assertively or accidentally step on one, thus disrupting a genetic chain. He or she will have no prodigy, and I did that!

The significance of insignificance Read More


From Volume 16, Issue 3: It’s virtually impossible for me to learn something (add or change a belief, initiate or learn a skill, etc.) when I believe I know the subject matter. Almost inevitably I will take the information that someone is trying to teach me and compare it against what I already know. And then, with no motivation to do otherwise, I’ll discount it, or even argue with it either covertly or overtly.

Permission Read More