February 12, 2025

Presidential Presence – Keeping our wits about us.

From Volume 17, Issue 11: The recent U.S. national election, like any significant political event, has clearly stirred strong emotions and prompted big questions about the future. These reactions are natural, but they don’t have to dictate my mental and emotional state. By choosing to stay present, I can navigate this period with greater calm and purpose.

Presidential Presence – Keeping our wits about us. Read More

Fractured Trust – An observation pertinent to the 2024 US Presidential Election.

From Volume 16, Issue 1: I’m taking the liberty of re-publishing and article that first appeared in May of 2019.  It paints a picture of how things go when trust is not present.  A line between a data point from May of 2019 and one from today I believe points in a disappointing direction.  I pose the question “What can be done to enhance trust in our American culture today?”  Build mass-flourishing?

Fractured Trust – An observation pertinent to the 2024 US Presidential Election. Read More

The significance of insignificance

From Volume 16, Issue 1: “We are completely insignificant in the universe—except to each other, now.” (Borrowed from a movie and revised slightly by me.)

We may look at the smallest creatures—insects, perhaps—as insignificant. I can either assertively or accidentally step on one, thus disrupting a genetic chain. He or she will have no prodigy, and I did that!

The significance of insignificance Read More

Love-Hate 101

From Volume 16, Issue 1: While the concepts of love and hate are supposed opposites, yet mean what they mean to each of us, I’m thinking common ground is needed to reconcile the two and bring internal comfort. It may help us to understand why love and hate are two sides of the same coin, so to speak. Or why love and hate actually live along the same continuum.

Love-Hate 101 Read More

Self Coaching Skills: Take Control of Your Life

From Volume 16, Issue 1:Did you declare a New Year’s resolution?

And are you now wondering why you still can’t seem to change a behavior? (My nemesis remains getting into conversations and then talking over the other person.)

Maybe you’d like to develop skills for your business or employer or personal life. Have you ever worked with a coach—for business, life, or golf—but you still struggle to realize certain goals?

Self Coaching Skills: Take Control of Your Life Read More