February 12, 2025

Clarity Summit

Stay tuned or call me for information on a January 2013 Clarity Summit.

What will it take for you to get clear about:

What to change to improve 2013? How to relate better? What to stop doing? What to start doing? What you WANT? WHAT’S GETTING IN THE WAY?

If you could change just ONE THING about YOU that would make a huge difference in your world, what would that be? By the way, I don’t have that answer…YOU have that answer.


Missouri Athletic Club


Join us in January at the historic Missouri Athletic Club for The Clarity Summit (we typically start around 3:00 on Friday afternoon and wrap up by Noon on Sunday). The Clarity Summit is your vehicle for getting to know you better and deciding to polish up what works for you and throwing away what doesn’t. What a great way to make 2013 the best year of your life!


The Clarity Summit will “make” if 5 attendees are registered by September 7th, and is limited to 10 attendees. It will evolve in a casual atmosphere with Friday’s munchies/beer/wine/soda and Sunday’s Bagels and Coffee provided. We will pick  places to go for Saturday meals.



****Download Registration form here.

You are responsible for your transportation and lodging. Whether you’re coming from out of town or not, Missouri Athletic Club has a special “Summit” rate for you.  We encourage you to stay.

The Clarity Summit will not be a fit for everybody. I am certain that for those who attend, you will walk away with changed perceptions of your world and your place in it. It will take courage. But reaching the Summit always does.

Clarity Summit will be an exceptional weekend for individuals who lead, follow, produce, sell, sweep, play, invent, parent, coach, rule, contemplate, write, cure, care, teach, speak, etc.


To get outside your normal environment and learn new tools for identifying the traits and patterns that get in the way.

To step away from your patterned world, drop some of your filters and identify the habits and repeated behaviors that hold you back.  Then decide what you want to do about them.

  1. Identifying the source of struggle.
  2. Assessing its level of validity.
  3. Deciding to change it.
  4. Developing accountability to reach the Summit

Tentative Schedule: 3-2-1-GO!


3:00 – 6:00 PM

3. Interpersonal Wellness –

Description: No matter what we want to accomplish, whether it’s personal, corporate, or family endeavors, we ultimately conclude that we can’t do it alone.  Steven Covey in 7 Habits suggests that leadership skills grow from Dependent to Independent to Interdependent.  Interpersonal Wellness is the key to that Interdependent component.

Interpersonal Wellness training is about preventing H.I.C.C.U.P.s (High Level Interpersonal Conversations Causing Unexpected Problems)…..getting important people on the same page and playing well together.

6:00PM Munchies, beer, wine and soda in our room.



8:00AM  Breakfast…at the MAC

9:00AM – Noon

2. Personal Uncovery –

Description: As we fine tune our relationships using Interpersonal Wellness tools, we frequently discover components of our own personal Operating System that don’t serve us well.  Personal Uncovery tools identify these and give the user the choice to continue using his current operating system, or alter it to better accommodate his or her life’s missions.

Deliverable: A unique understanding of “how we got here”, tools for testing new “rules”, courage to choose a different approach if we want to.

Noon – 3:00PM

Free time, lunch, explore (the area, the ARCH, and yourself!)

3:00 – 6:00PM

1. Lucking –

Description: Ever have one of those days when you couldn’t lose?  How about one when you just knew you couldn’t win?  Lucking presents the tools for statistically hedging those days toward winning.  The student designs the interface between his personal Operating System and his individual Fortune/Misfortune belief system to bring luck and joy and success to his doorstep.

Deliverable: Improved opportunities, peace, calm, confidence, humble leadership.

6:00PM  Pizza, beer, soda, hang out and compare lives…



9:00AM – Noon (Bagels Fruit and Coffee at 8:00AM in our room).

GO! –

Description: This is not a rehearsal.  We don’t get mulligans and do-overs in life.  You either get it together and run your own life, or someone or something else runs it for you.  GO! is the assembly of Interpersonal Wellness, Personal Uncovery and Lucking that allows the student to have, do, and become whatever he decides he wants.

Deliverable: A self-defined life.

In these sessions, the group will participate in lectures, interactive exercises, and mini-group break-out discussions that will help each individual lead, self-manage, interact, and relate at a higher level. There will be free time for reflection.  This process will provide materials and action items that will continue after we disperse…it’s a journey, not a destination.

Fees: Materials, meals (excluding Saturday’s lunch and dinner)…No Fee*

(We will, however hold a $100 US Registration fee, fully refundable upon your arrival.)

****Download Registration form here.

The Missouri Athletic Club was founded in 1903 and the building is on the National Historic Register.  Join us!






Comments from past Clarity Summit attendees:

  • “I never would have made the move without these tools.”
  • “Understanding why I pull back was critical.”
  • “Explaining why I keep doing the same thing over and over was important….now I can do something about it.”
  • “I do a lot of things right, but I still haven’t accomplished everything I want….this is a terrific first step.”
  • “I came out of curiosity and left with a whole new awareness of how I got here.”
  • “To me the most valuable part was how I make (or don’t make) important first impressions….and what I can do about it.”
  • “I figured I knew how to get the most cooperation and involvement out of my employees….hmmmmm.”
  • Look at other Recommendations for Kim by scrolling down on his LinkedIn profile

Please give me a call at (877) 245-8250 (toll-free), (314) 963-1112 (office) or (314) 265-5649 (cell), and let’s talk about this life changing weekend.





*PASS THE HAT! At the conclusion of the Summit, Sunday morning, I will pass the helmet and invite you to make a contribution commensurate with the value you believe you received throughout the process.  We believe that it’s not about what we transmit over the weekend, but what you receive and can put to use.  Only you can determine that value.

****Download Registration form here.


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