The new, new, new normal
From Volume 13, Issue 12:I hear a lot lately about the “new normal.” This medical crisis that has enveloped the world has caused almost everybody to alter their modus operandi.
From Volume 13, Issue 9:Many health professionals will tell you that staying appropriately hydrated (by drinking 64 to 100 ounces of water per day) is critical to one’s all-around health.
The thing about hydrating is that it’s a process: water in, water out, water back in….
From Volume 13, Issue 8:A narrative is a story, right? And I believe we tend to use stories to describe things.
Sometimes it’s things that have happened to us and sometimes it’s things that have happened to others. Sometimes our narratives are developed from personal experience, and sometimes they are inherited from others who influence us, like our parents, teachers, coaches, spiritual advisers, etc. Sometimes these narratives even come unsolicited from the world around us: through news media, social media, books, and articles we read.
From Volume 13, Issue 7:I have a problem with the word “love.” It can mean so many things that I consider it a relatively unclear term. “I love you” and “I love you too” gets repeated over and over again in a ritual that couples execute on a regular basis. But what do they mean?
A Better Response to Chaos
From Volume 13, Issue 6:Oh no! How did that happen! True story. “The best laid plans…,” as they say.