Learning to learn
From Volume 16, Issue 2:Every one of us owns a pool of knowledge. It’s the sum and total of everything we’ve learned to date. We probably know hundreds of thousands of….things. Not only things, but how these things interact. And what they mean to us
Resolve to Not Resolve
From Volume 16, Issue 1:So your New Years’ resolution didn’t work? Want to know why?
There are two schools of thought about how we act in such situations.
The Value of Clarity
From Volume 15, Issue 1: It’s been almost 20 years since I assembled the team that wrote the book, The Positive Power of NO. At the time there were dozens of books on the subject of YES: Getting to YES, Yes is the Answer, etc. I had gathered a half dozen of my fellow business consultants and asked if they found themselves counseling their clients to reign in the “you can do it” mantra and start to set limits. In other words, figuring out what to say no to.
A Shout-Out to Doubt
From Volume 11, Issue 1:Doubt gets a bad rap.
It is often associated with indecision, hesitancy, uncertainty, and other human foibles that signal less-than-adequate preparation. Doubt is often seen as an impediment to moving forward, getting the job done, and following through. All usually highly appreciated accomplishments.