February 12, 2025


From Volume 12, Issue 5: Drivers. Not the kind I co-drive for on rallies, or those that steer cars and push on the accelerator, but behavioral imperatives that constitute a great chunk of our knower/judger (K/J) rules. They create the challenges we experience in our relationships (and in our lives). Read on to identify specific drivers and how you can work with them to help yourself and others overcome them.

Drivers Read More

Questioning Universal Beliefs

From Volume 8, Issue 4:Be perfect. Be strong. Hurry up. Please others. Try hard. Any of these beliefs sound familiar? I know I have them. I can picture my parents admonishing me to be these things, frequently adding the word “should.” I “should” be perfect, please others, etc. After all, who wouldn’t want their kid to be all these things, right?

In moderation, believing these rules of life can contribute to a higher quality of life, but when we allow them to take us over, behaviors can tip toward dysfunctional, even obsessive, and all we get is more stress. Here’s how to cast a little doubt on universal beliefs that are causing you grief.

Questioning Universal Beliefs Read More