It’s nice to be right.
From Volume 12, Issue 12:Pure science, it is said, is involved in the exercise of continuously proving itself wrong. That’s how new discoveries, breakthroughs, and apparent miracles happen.
From Volume 12, Issue 12:Pure science, it is said, is involved in the exercise of continuously proving itself wrong. That’s how new discoveries, breakthroughs, and apparent miracles happen.
From Volume 12, Issue 11: Here we go again—it’s November already! Where did the year go?!
We have that lineup of annual no-holds-barred holidays facing us like a gauntlet ready to mete out seasonal punishment in two-months-long serial order.
From Volume 12, Issue 10:Pure science, it is said, is always looking for errors in its interpretations.
When I was a youngster, Pluto was a planet, and the atom was the smallest particle.
In the 15th century, the Earth was both flat and the center of the universe.
From Volume 12, Issue 9:If your connection to another person were compared to ships, how would they be described? Consider the connections you have or have had or hope to have—this should be a fun exercise!
From Volume 12, Issue 8:In my coaching practice over the years, I’ve heard people say “I can’t” innumerable times. It’s frequently what gets the coaching process underway.