February 25, 2025

Are you Syria-s?

From Volume 6, Issue 9:At the time of writing, we have no idea what’s going to happen with Syria. In fact, we have no idea what happened in Syria to start this whole thing. What I do know is that the situation is a global example of what goes on in our offices, in our families, and in other interactions. And if we want it to be resolved peacefully (and hopefully it has been) then we may need to take a look at how we’re dealing with similar situations in our own lives.

Are you Syria-s? Read More

Obama vs. McChrystal….T.K.O.

President Obama and General Stanley McChrystal went at it in the sandbox. They have our wallets and the lives of our sons and daughters in their hands. McChrystal basically lost in in getting his emotional needs met (gotta be right!). Obama’s locked in plan for withdrawal reels against common military wisdom. Two men locked in their respective “knowledges”. No exploration of doubt. Obama wins. T.K.O.

Obama vs. McChrystal….T.K.O. Read More