20 Nasty Habits
From Volume 3, Issue 11: Dr. Marshall Goldsmith’s book What Got You Here Won’t Get You There lists 20 habits that can keep you from realizing your dreams. Do any of these strike a chord in you?
From Volume 3, Issue 11: Dr. Marshall Goldsmith’s book What Got You Here Won’t Get You There lists 20 habits that can keep you from realizing your dreams. Do any of these strike a chord in you?
From Volume 3, Issue 11: Bob’s an insurance agent, and suddenly, after 20 years in the business, he’s failing at his job. He’s making 20 calls a day but the sales just aren’t happening. “I know how to make sales. I’m good at what I do!” he says. “At least, I thought I was.” Bob’s making a classic mistake that you might be making too: becoming too good at what he does.
From Volume 3, Issue 10: Here are two real-life examples of what happens when we communicate using our Knower/Judgers from my recent visit with my daughter in England.
From Volume 3, Issue 10: Since the 2008 election, the Hamiltonians have been on a roll. Programs have grown. Who’s to be taxed by how much to pay for programs is shifting. There’s nothing inherently wrong with what’s happening. The question is, what do you want?
From Volume 3, Issue 9: Have you ever been in one of those situations where tensions explode? What starts out as a minor distraction escalates rapidly to finger-pointing, accusations, and punishment? The “drama triangle” has multiple players in both the Persecutor and Victim corners, and all hell breaks loose.
From Volume 3, Issue 9 When we’re very young, before our K/J has written the rules about what we’re supposed to think and do to feel good about ourselves, our wants are not constricted by filters. When we want food, it’s because we’re hungry. When we want to be held, it’s because that’s how we comfort ourselves.
From Volume 3, Issue 8: Do You Know Who You Are? Really?, How “Who I Am” Limited Me, The Power of Redefinition.
From Volume 3, Issue 8: The Real Secret to Winning Friends and Influencing People, The Effect of Rules, Seeing is Half the Battle